
    Terlalu banyak yang ingin dikongsikan di blog sehinggakan aku tak tahu yang mana perlu dimulakan. I wish there will be an invention from the genius to translate my thoughts into the blog. So my blog will be automatically update whenever I'm thinking of something. But currently I have facebook where I can just share a line and get comment from others. Maybe thats why I'm not updating the blog..

    Dalam beberapa minggu ni banyak perkara yang berlaku. Especially di pejabat.. currently I'm busy with the auditing task as well as shifting to the new building. Although I'm not shifted to the new building, but the management of my staff, the kiosk, etc makes me super duper busy. Plus the launching event which will be on next Thursday. My tasks are mostly on the protocol; speeches, stage handling, usherette, minister flow, etc. haih!~

    Last week my days full with meetings.. from Petaling Jaya down till Putrajaya.. tiring.. I wish I could have someone to undertake my task like what the other leadres did. They can just send theirs for the meeting. Anyone interested to be a project coordinator? Let me know ya.. preferably IT grades with business experience.


